
How Your Purse Can Carry Bacteria

So you think the only things that you carry in your purse are the things that you own and need? Well you have to think again as your purse might be carrying more than your personal items. Your purse is a very ideal place for germs and bacteria to breed and multiply. Every time you go out and carry your bag outside the house and into a public place, chances are you sometimes put it on places where bacteria can attach themselves to it. The most common of these bacteria is the E Coli, a germ that we can get from undercooked meat and contaminated water. It causes gastroenteritis and urinary tract infections. These bacteria are usually found in restrooms and on bathroom floors where they can find their way to the handbags that are placed on it and carried by the owner to her home. It can get into our body through the contaminated food that we eat which has been contaminated by the bacteria carried through the handbag that have been placed on the bathroom floor. Juicy Couture Handbags E Coli is not the only thing that Gucci Race we can get from the dirt on our handbags but also Salmonella, the germs that causes diarrhea, conjunctivitis, and the flu. It can make people very sick because it comes from bacteria found in fecal matters. It can cause infections ranging from the simple infections such as pimples and boils to the more life threatening illnesses like pneumonia and meningitis. The things that you put inside your handbag can also transmit germs into it. Money, whether in coins or paper, is very dirty because it changes hands numerous times and in many different places. There are many germs that Gucci Singnoria can attach themselves on the money that you use everyday. The cell phone that you are using is also a great bacteria carrier and so is the Marc Jacobs Handbags makeup that you share with other people. You might not know it but the person who asked to borrow your lipstick might be suffering from an infection. The water bottle that you are using can also be a carrier if not cleaned frequently and properly. The important thing to remember in order to avoid your purse or handbag from being contaminated with disease causing germs is to refrain from placing it on the surface where you are preparing and eating your food. Upon coming home, put it in its hiding place. You also have to constantly clean your purse and wipe it with disinfectant before storing it in your closet.

